New Challenges Facing the Global Economy

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DATE: April 19, 2018

DAY: Thursday

3:30 PM - 4:30 PM

LOCATION: IMF HQ1 – Meetings Halls A&B

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The international community is at a critical juncture. There is optimism as growth has strengthened across most countries, but medium-term prospects have become more challenging as downside risks accumulate. At the same time, the rapid application and spread of new technologies promises opportunities for growth, but also fears about the disruptive impact on established businesses and employment, causing governments to grapple with the regulatory implications of this digitalization revolution. These challenges arise at a moment when populist forces have emerged in many advanced economies that question the benefits of globalization and even international cooperation. The session provides a unique opportunity to address the confluence of these complicated issues, and how they may play out in the coming years. How do we balance opportunities and risks?

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New Challenges Facing the Global Economy


Moderator: Rana Foroohar

Rana Foroohar is Global Business Columnist and an Associate Editor at the Financial Times, based in New York. She is also CNN’s global economic analyst. Her book, “Makers and Takers: The Rise of Finance and the Fall of American Business” (Crown), about why the capital markets no longer support business, was shortlisted for the Financial Times McKinsey Book of the Year award in 2016. Prior to joining the FT and CNN, Foroohar spent 6 years at TIME, as an assistant managing editor and economic columnist. She previously spent 13 years at Newsweek, as an economic and foreign affairs editor and a foreign correspondent covering Europe and the Middle East. During that time, she was awarded the German Marshall Fund’s Peter Weitz Prize for transatlantic reporting. She has also received awards and fellowships from institutions such as the Johns Hopkins School of International Affairs and the East West Center. She is a life member of the Council on Foreign Relations. Foroohar graduated in 1992 from Barnard College, Columbia University. She lives in Brooklyn with her husband, the author John Sedgwick, and her two children.

Panelist: David Lipton

David Lipton David Lipton assumed the position of First Deputy Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund on September 1, 2011. On March 28, 2016, he was reappointed for a second five-year term beginning September 1, 2016. Before coming to the Fund, Mr. Lipton was Special Assistant to the President, and served as Senior Director for International Economic Affairs at the National Economic Council and National Security Council at the White House. Previously, he was a Managing Director at Citi, and also served in the Clinton administration as Under Secretary of the Treasury for International Affairs — and before that as Assistant Secretary. Mr. Lipton earned a Ph.D. and M.A. from Harvard University in 1982 and a B.A. from Wesleyan University in 1975.