DATE: October 6, 2016
DAY: Thursday
10:00 AM - 11:30 AM
LOCATION: George Washington University, Jack Morton Auditorium
The global recovery has been anemic and future prospects have dimmed. Monetary policy has been stretched to extremes with quantitative easing and zero interest rates, yet investment remains subdued and deflationary pressures linger. Waning productivity, growing income inequality, and the longer-term implications of shifting demographics have led to repeated markdowns of medium-term growth potential. Should there be a pivot toward new ways of thinking about fiscal policy in a “new normal” of prolonged slow growth, in terms of both its countercyclical role and its effectiveness in boosting productivity and catalyzing longer-term inclusive growth?
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Join the conversation via #IMFonFiscal
Fiscal Policy in the New Normal
Fiscal Policy in the New Normal
Moderator: Vitor Gaspar
Panelist: Brad DeLong
Panelist: Mitsuhiro Furusawa
Panelist: Bill Morneau
Panelist: Ludger Schuknecht
Panelist: Arvind Subramanian
Arvind Subramanian is the Chief Economic Advisor to the government of India. He was Assistant Director in the Research Department of the IMF, served at the GATT, and taught at Harvard University's Kennedy School of Government and at Johns Hopkins School for Advanced International Studies. In 2011, Foreign Policy Magazine named him one of the top 100 global thinkers.
(As of September 2016)